If your pet has undergone a sedation or anaesthetic there are a few basic guidelines to follow that will help aid the recovery process.
- A small bland meal should be fed on the evening following an anaesthetic/sedation. This is due to the fact that normal pet foods are quite rich and are therefore more likely to cause a stomach upset post operation. Scrambled egg, chicken, rice and tuna are examples of suitable meals. Do not worry if your pet does not want to eat following their procedure but try to encourage them to have a drink. Your pet will be able to eat as normal the following day.
- If your dog has had an anaesthetic he/she will have been intubated, this may cause a slight irritation of his/her trachea (windpipe), this may cause a slight cough. If this persists after a few days please contact the surgery. Cats are not often intubated for smaller procedures, but if you have any worries please speak to a member of staff.
- Please expect your animal to be drowsy or quiet after an operation. This is the after effect of any drugs we may have used. Offer your pet somewhere quiet, warm and away from anything that may bother him/her so he/she can rest.
- If your pet has stitches, exercise should be restricted as necessary, especially after a procedure such as neutering. Cats should be kept indoors until the stitches are removed and dogs should only have lead exercise, depending on where the stitches are. Please assist your animals if stair climbing is necessary, and try to restrict your pet from jumping. Cage rest may be required for certain procedures.
- A post-op appointment should be made with you at the time of discharge.
- Some procedures may require your pet to return home with medication. It is important to follow the vet’s instructions as to how, and how often, to administer.
- Surgical wounds should be checked daily to ensure there are no swellings, no abnormal discharges or disruption to any stitches. A buster collar should be obtained if your pet tries to lick or bite at the wound as this will cause severe infection.
- If your pet has a bandage or dressing your vet will advise you to return for dressing changes or removal. Please check with the nurse at discharge when this will be.
Please remember, if you have any problems with your pet’s recovery, or are worried about him/her in any way, call us for advice at any time on 01889 582023.